Tuesday, October 02, 2007


It's an hour until the weigh-in, and this is always a nervous time.

It shouldn't be - I've followed the plan to the letter, and have had far less than my 'allowed' treats, so I should be super confident. But the scary scales are waiting to pass judgement, and there's no telling what they'll say.

I don't weigh myself mid-week. I think it's best to not think about it. But right now I'd like just a little clue of how I've done.

Silly really, because my 'target' has nothing to do with a weight, but is everything to do with how I feel and look and what clothes I can wear. My first goal is to get down to a size that's available in almost every shop. No more having to buy badly cut, oddly designed clothes from the 'specialist' shops and departments. When I've got there, I'll re-assess.


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